Wow. #LNP thug Peter #Dutton really lays into his own Liberal National party for years of #corruption and #rorts!
Wow. #LNP thug Peter #Dutton really lays into his own Liberal National party for years of #corruption and #rorts!
Tax office resurrects billions worth of old debts... (what about #jobkeeper ? Remember millions given to #harveynorman ?) #auspol
Accessing super has allowed migrant workers locked out of #JobKeeper to scrape by. But many workers like Andres have discovered this entitlement hasn't been paid by dodgy bosses. We need a wage subsidy for all workers so nobody falls through the cracks.
This item was found via the website Not the Only One where there are over 9200 other Diversity, Equity and Inclusion articles, stories and quotes.
New #Qantas chief Vanessa Hudson’s fix-it order to senior staff - | Until #QANTAS reinstate the ~1,700 staff that were terminated before their jobs were outsourced, discontinue their sexual discrimination against male passengers, repay #JobKeeper and *significantly* improve their customer service standards, I’ll take my business elsewhere… This horrible, unethical and unAustralian company doesn’t deserve our loyalty. | #VanessaHudson #Australia
New #Qantas chief Vanessa Hudson’s fix-it order to senior staff - | Until #QANTAS reinstate the ~1,700 staff that were terminated before their jobs were outsourced, discontinue their sexual discrimination against male passengers, repay #JobKeeper and *significantly* improve their customer service standards, I’ll take my business elsewhere… This horrible, unethical and unAustralian company doesn’t deserve our loyalty. | #VanessaHudson #Australia
Barnaby Joyce wants #Qantas to pay back its #JobKeeper millions.
The Guardian, 2019: "Barnaby Joyce spent $675,000 in expenses but less than three weeks on ground while drought envoy". #auspol
#Qantas considers paying back #JobKeeper following week of mounting criticism - | If Qantas truly want to improve their reputation, they should abandon their sexual discrimination against males, bring ALL their work in-house and back to Australia, *and* repay JobKeeper… Until then, I consider #QANTAS a horrible, unethical company; an #Australian company that is an embarrassment and a poor example of Australian values.