Why don't we just change the feckin' date?
So is Susssssssan Ley saying there’s intelligent life on Mars, or is she doubling down on terra nullus of Australia 200 years ago #AusPol #AustraliaDay #InvasionDay #SurvivalDay #ChangeTheDate
Sussan Ley compares First Flee...
So is Susssssssan Ley saying there’s intelligent life on Mars, or is she doubling down on terra nullus of Australia 200 years ago #AusPol #AustraliaDay #InvasionDay #SurvivalDay #ChangeTheDate
@dj2mn @nygl We can keep Invasion Day. Everyone who wants to #changethedate is thinking too small, we can just declare extra holidays.
Jan 26: Invasion Day.
Mar 3: Independence Day.
Xxx X: Treaty day / Australia Day, date TBD.
@augustusbrown Strayan racism is endemic, evil, & shockingly shameful.
> This year – while we continue to press ahead in doing the work, I call upon allies to not trot out tired back and forth arguments pertaining to January 26 and don’t get caught up in #changethedate. We do not need any more symbolic changes – we need radical change. We all know what this day represents, and why so many cling to the celebration of it.
Gotta keep the White supremacy alive haven’t you Woolies?
#AboriginalLand #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #ChangeTheDate #InvasionDay https://rssfeed.media/@abcfeeds/113751235118480128
Happy replacement Australia Day. May 8. Maaaaatttteeeeee.
A passing thought while I'm in Western Australia...
WA was never part of New South Wales, so 26 January 1788 - Sydney's foundation day - can have no meaning for it per se.
The only significance 26 January can have for this part of Australia is a celebration of the arrival of white settlers on the continent. So nothing to do with the modern nation state of Australia, and everything to do with white supremacy.
It really won't do as the date for a unifying national day.
Even channel 7, the Most Racist Of Channels, speaks of a day of “reflection and celebration”. January 26 is over, let’s just get on with making a new day we can actually celebrate. #changethedate
Is it time to change the date of Australia Day? Find out how our senators have previously voted on the topic at https://theyvoteforyou.org.au/policies/144
#AusPol #ChangeTheDate #AustraliaDay
[AltText: On an outline of Australia are the words "Is it time to change the date?" along with a link to the relevant policy]